Our Solutions
In the recruitment and consulting field, ANSON has a rare understanding of the needs of the public and social sector through over 15 years of exclusive focus in this space and through the direct involvement of our team with not-for-profit Boards. Prior to the development of this community sector focused business, ANSON operated in the commercial business space and this combined experience allows us to look at a range of possible candidates from this broad background. We are able to combine our sector knowledge and dynamic candidate pool with candidate analysis options such as DISC or our in house developed values and behavioural traits psychometric testing. We also offer an extension of our testing processes to include a teams assessment which provides Boards with a view of the likely ‘fit’ of new Board member(s) with the existing Board culture and behavioural style mix. Our knowledge and processes all combine with our fee structure, which recognises the cost pressures faced by not for profits, resulting in a high value for money, outstanding Board recruitment service.
Additional Options

Psychometric Profiling
Board recruitment is often focused purely on Board member experience and particularly in the not for profit sector, the importance of values alignment and positive behavioural traits is ignored. ANSON has developed psychometric assessment specifically for the not for profit sector enabling a very cost effective view of a candidate’s Values and Behavioural traits which we can provide for each shortlisted candidate presented.